Thursday, October 20, 2005

In loving memory of Datin Paduka Seri Endon Mahmood, the First Lady of Malaysia, who passed on from breast cancer early this morning. The whole Malaysia's mourning, and if you've not noticed, even the skies. Amazing how the clouds have so much water particles to last a whole morning and late afternoon.

I've finally finally started training after a long lay-off and i've been under the rain since this morning. I do realize i might have a fever coming up on me soon.

Anyway, reading through my archives today, the main purpose of this post is to thank everyone who's been reading my blog ever since a year ago or even if you've just started today. Honestly, I would similiarise it with the progress that the port of M'cca did almost 600 years ago. From a dark, black, cold blog with short posts, to an orange fiesta with colourful alphabets and a saucy theme, and now back to the old black and cold theme dubbed Into The Cold. With over 110 posts, I'm amazed how this blog has progressed through a year when my first motive was just to create a blog and post my training schedules and timetables for others to see (Yes, I'm not kidding!). I guess right now, its already a part of me, just like my computer, or MSN, or my beloved handphone. I guarantee you i dont know any other way to express myself and let others know but through this blog and i'm very very thankful for that.

Every post or comment you make either in my posts or on the chatterbox, will only spur me to strive and make this blog more interesting than before, in simple terms, comments and the presence of everyone out there who reads this is indeed the blood flow of this blog! Keep it flowing guys!

Special thanks to those who've been reading and visiting this blog ever since its first few posts, Chucchy, XR, Mira, Melly Spinelli, Vrillie, Big Sis, 2nd Sis, and Julie, and to everyone who I've not mentioned here, you know I love you! :) THANKS Y'ALL!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*sniff* you're very welcome jinn!!! honoured to be in da select few mentioned.. =)