Saturday, October 22, 2005

I have finally realized how its like to cheat death. When your adrenaline starts pumping, you break into an uncontrollable sweat, you cant cycle straight, you wait till the old man who saw it all happen is out of sight then curse him for cursing you, when you give yourself a small smile and try telling yourself its okay, when you see the lady in the car yelling in shock while banging her fists on the steering wheel, basicly, when you realize what a lucky fucker you are.

I just realized i might just die way before my great-grandma's time, after one escape, im sure the next time it wouldnt be too lenient on me.

Okay, I nearly got into a mess when my bike just merely whisked past this lady's front bumper, like all hollywood actors of actresses would recite in their scripts, i swore i couldnt remember a thing except for NOT looking in front of my bike and the screeching of tyres and bursting honk. Though i can remember the old man giving me an awry look and yelled to me with a tone that your dad would when you'd tell him you dent his car door, he said:

"Young man, you want to mati? Dont you cycle like that!"

With that quote, i got so scared i just kept on cycling, it was then i noticed the seriousness of things, and how in the world had i managed to come out of it unscathed. I'd imagine if i'd really had my head smashed against her bonnet and the sound of the sirens and to wake up in another place. Thank my karma i'm telling all of you this while you're sitting your butts in front of the computer than by my bedside. And if it wouldve got worse, you'd have my parents, or the lady, or the old man relating my story to you while im lying in my box.

Again, as cliched as it may ever ever sound, this post is just to tell you guys to appreciate those around you while they're still alive and kicking. You never know when its too late.

I'm THANKFUL that i'm still here on my swivling chair typing this out at 6:01 pm and not having my brain juices cleaned off a bonnet. Gosh.



Anonymous said...

How apt. I went for a classmate's father's memorial service on Friday night. We all don't really know what the cause of his death was but we're just there, hoping to lend support to our classmate. It was a sudden death, that's all we know.

Glad you're fine. I mean when it's not your time yet, it's not your time la. Haha, umm, so just enjoy whatever you have now! =)

P/S: How ya doing? And nice layout!

Anonymous said...

hey emmy t, i'm fine, trying to make full use of my freedom while i still can. And thanks for the compliment of the blog, i appreciate it! And thanks for taking time off your busy schedule to come read my posts, appreciate it. :) study hard! and good luck!