Monday, November 14, 2005

Pure assets and fame alone doesnt make you a good leader!

Tomorrow, me and the athletics team are leaving for Cameron Highlands for an intensive training course. So today was the last day we're all packing equipments for a whole 10 days.

As we sweat our balls off trying to stuff equipments and kitchen utensils into boxes, trying to minimize space in case we dont end up overpacking. And as we're all drenched in sweat making sure everything's packed prim and proper, our dear Mr."Hebat" Captain is busy with other much more "important" stuff. Well, lets see, erm, flirting, fooling around, chit-chatting, cycling! Anything else but anything productive.

Oh, just because he sits facing all of us during meetings. I guess there's no need to do any packing eh? All you have to do is make sure you have as much fun and pretend to get pissed once in awhile so people can quite tell you're quite serious, and take full responsibility when people question about the captaincy, and most importantly, make sure everyone still loves you! eh? :) *disgusted smirk*

Sigh, i'm not complaining any further, as long as i'm doing my job and i very much complete it.

You aint the real complete and perfect people percieve you to be. Okay Jinn, shut up.

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