Thursday, January 19, 2006

My innocent wireless mouse is a fucking pain in the rectum.

Thank god dad has prospects for getting me a new computer very soon then i dont have to see my beloved mouse and shrivelled up mouse pad any-bloody-more. Dont say i'm being a little too abusive to electronic devices that bear an eerie resemblance to real animals, if you were here using this mouse i use, you'd probably throw it so hard you'd bury it in your computer screen. Firstly, the colour's gone, that is not a racist slur. It keeps jamming, and the cursor is freaking reluctant to budge. And it automatically right-clicks when i need to do left-clicks. Stupid bitch.

Irritatingly, the head-pounding melody of "chai sen dao" and "gong xi ni gong xi fa ya fa ta chai" is back. Its like your aunty from the states who comes back anually and eats your share of dinner and let rips a series of award-winning farts on your sofa set. Thats the feeling. I'm not disrespecting the chinese new year culture whatsoever, come on, i'm a chinese! Its that i think it'll really really be much more comforting if they dont play those kinda songs on Esepcially the punked-up rock band versions of those. You hear the acoustic drums go *gedung chiang gedung chiang* and the electric guitars buzzing. Really "buzzes" you up.

Anyway, the school drama team had our audition for the form 3s and 4s today and i must say, there is definately an abundance of talent. Not overly impressive but surely talented. The creativeness was definately flowing. Those who came to audition were given a list of scenarios to choose from. We had lots of hugging scenes prompting the audience to go "awww" everytime it happens. Gets boring after a few tries. There were alot of butts facing us judges, which we never really wanted to see anyway. And a few pointless but woohoo ones like alien invasion which involves someone getting chased by a swarm of yellow teletubbies a.k.a tinkie winkies a.k.a tiny dicks. One guy even tried to impersonated kurt cobain as kurt cocaine by laying out a tv, writing a few letters, seducively sealing letters with his tongue and then go "make love, not war" and pretended to shoot himself in the head. Anyone can kill himself so cooly with motivation words in front of a camera might just put attention-seeker iraqi insurgents who appear on al-jazeera news channels to a painful shame. Still, we chose more or less 15 hopefuls who would sit around and see us *ahem* seniors strut our stuff on stage to gain valuble experience. Good for you.

Brad then briefed us on the storyline on this year's drama. I dont mean to spill the beans here, so if i really am, brad, inform me and i'll remove this from here. Back to the story, its going to be about a wrecked/sorry/better off dead guy because he just merely survived a tragic accident, doctors and the life support system works day and night to keep this guy alive for his mom's sake but his best friend insists that mercy killing would be the answer to his misery. It may sound weird because in my humble opinion, usually the mom would be the one asking for the removal of the life-support system and the best friend would convince people that hope is still there as long as the brain doesnt stop functioning. However, brad said we can potray that the mother's a wreck in her own way and this poor guy's been living with his best friend forever and mom doesn't give a shit until dear son's in a coma. But a mom's always right, right? In the end, mom and friend argues and this bed-ridden guy can actually hear others but do nothing, typical coma condition, and he's faced a crossroad in his faith to live or die. The twist is, mom and friend aren't actually there but they're his own self-conscience fighting for his fate. Grand finale, the guy is pronounced dead by doctors according to life-support system/beeping system, but wakes up because he has chosen to live. Like a cat you know, 9 lives. Daymn.

I know its abit too complicating for some of you but with bradley as your producer, you get sad, tragic stories at first but box-office smash hits at the end of it all. I admire that. SMKTS drama team ready to rumble again. Wooohoo.

Form 5 has been rather lenient to me so far. Maybe because i have john and jolin and pohlynn by my side whenever i need an add math exercise to copy or physics/bio/chem PEKAs and experiments that i have missed out. John's my physics partner since, errr, today. Discipline wise, i think if i go on like that for the rest of the year, or maybe just a half year or so, i might well get my prefectorial board graduation certificate and a flashy A for "kelakuan". A teacher or few teachers have complained about me though, from what i've heard, i'm being too "happening", like not paying attention during maths lessons *stabs mr.amara and pn.liew* and practising to shuffle along the corridors. But i swear, i dont do it as much as i do like last year, now i spend my free time doing add maths, moral and experiment notes! Ha ha ha.. seriously. Although i still purposely spill water on jolin every now and then.

Here, a long post for a long week. I'm dying to go out for a movie! Mlia, come lets go! No liscence nevermind. Just drive! :)


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