Tuesday, January 31, 2006
There are so many things to expect when chinese new year comes. Like the shocking emptiness of the usually crowdy ss2. The 7 (or was it 10?) little disposable girls clad in red frilly cheongsams with braided furry furry hair who make one album wonders every single freaking year. Disposable because they get replaced every single year. Didn't you know? Maybe one or two might stay for another year for publicity purposes but i swear these little singing girls get replaced and even the tong tong chiang songs get popped or rocked up year by year. Brrr. Reunion dinners/lunch/brunch. Yee sang with salmon. Fireworks everywhere you go. Highway bottleneck jams and pile-ups. But nothing, nothing at all, no matter how red, or how big the ang pau gets, nothing beats the weather. The humid, stinging, sticky, warm weather.
I'm not asking our beloved malaysia to snow. But maybe the goverment can suggest more brilliant ideas to air-conditon our country than to build a ghastly zig-zag bridge at the tebrau straits to "boost ties with s'pore". Please la.
Puzzled i am between the ongoing feud between our very own materialistic and rather impractical feng shui master Lilian Too and the young successful feng shui newcomer-to-the-public-scene Joey Yap. Some of you may not have heard of these 2 people and if it wasn't for my parent's obssession with attending feng shui seminars and wasting hundreds or precious bucks on dvds and lilian too magazines, i wouldn't know that lilian too was such a bitch, or joey yap was a better feng shui master or lilian's daughter jeniffer had fake blond hair and is pretty busty. But then again, why the fuck should i give 2 shits about feng shui and its practitioners? You have parents who apply feng shui to every single thing in the house, from the golden pagoda to the bronze frog or the crystal horse strategically placed at every corner and nook. You have no other choice but to actually give a shit. So what so good about this joey yappadedoo guy? And why is he fast overshadowing the prosperous lilian too? Could it be because lilian too sacks her secretaries because they forgot to polish her golden pagodas? Or that she doesn't distribute goodie bags to attendees of her seminars? Maybe because we are all getting sick of jeniffer too constantly standing beside her mum in her tv shows acting like a dumb bimbo with her fake tan and spaghetti hair? I think its either that or maybe joey yap is a better, more practical feng shui master who has erm... balls.
Go check out www.masteryacademy.com or www.liliantooisabadbossandthelistgoesonandon.com if any of you are interested in the obssesive whirlpool of feng shui.
Sa ma lang sing jia joo ee, peng peng an an sun sun, kueh ni mai chiak ka anih bui, steady steady pom pipi, geong hee fatt chai, ang pau mai gia lai ma beh yao kin lah. :)
Wah biang, ti si sibeh zhuak. Zhing cham leh.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
I must say the weather brings a negative psychological effect to everyone here. And the worst part of it all is the humidity. Even the breeze of the fan is warm and you just have to have your bath every 3 hours. Fuck the bloody weather.
Everyone feels so bloody sticky and restless. Makes me dont wanna write anymore. Blame the weather people. Blame the weather.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
I swear to shove a police baton up the ass of the bloody person who invented add maths. Why the hell do you have to go around creating bloody extra formulas when you can have modern maths and ONLY modern maths?
I'm so pissed with add maths i forgot about everything else i want to write about. This is bullshit!
Monday, January 23, 2006
Truth be told, here are some reasons why i'd ever want to be like my good friend mogan.
- I want to be mixed so i can have reasons to celebrate festivals of two races.
- I want to be paid RM2000 to appear on milo ads and billboards so i can smile to everyone while endorsing milo at junctions. Recognition and a new handphone.
- I want to be the first name on the list of invites to parties and events.
- I want to have a little sister so i can bully yet memanjakan at the same time.
- I want my birthday to be in january so i can drive already.
- I want to have a neighbour who plays the drums and has a drumset.
- I want a neighbour who has a swimming pool at home.
- I want to be the apple of my coach's eye.
- I want cool real sideburns.
- I want to be a star.
All of you must be thinking that i have so much to ask for. But there's a fine line between wanting something and needing something. Certainly, i want near-perfection. But that does not nessecarily mean i need it.
Anyhoo, this is merely just some random topic. No hidden agenda whatsoever. Though i must praise myself that i offer the malaysian music industry a rather valuble endorsing asset. Thanks to my air-guitar and raspy voice plus eric's good listening abilities, Suziela by Flop Poppy is being heard all around block d now due to excessive obssesive singing by me and eric. Ah, the satisfaction. :)
All i really need right now: To see mlia on webcam. Why?: Because i just NEED to see her la!. Wait, scratch that. All i really need right now: Mlia. Why?: Because i just NEED her. ;)
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Is it some weird tradition that usually Malaysian kids can never pick themselves up for a one-on-one date? Speaking from my opinion, i admit i personally dread one-on-one dates. Not that i have an abundance of dating experience under my belt. Probably once or twice ever for me as i can remember since i broke into adolescence. Fear of the loss-of-words, phobia of partner getting bored and the urge of having to be really really self-conscious. Somethings i'd rather pass than go through, truth be told. "Err, a date? Can i call ben along?" :p Dont worry mlia, i'll try not to do it too much. Haha.
Have any of you ss2 dwellers ever thought to yourself that someone somewhere out there should be dedicated enough to splurge a fortune and transform our dearly beloved ss2 into a wonderful paradise? I'm not talking about island cafe, i'm talking about getting rid of savemart and babyland to make way for marks and spencers, or erecting a bowling alley on the rarely used heck-of-space-wasted carpark. At least a bloody futsal court. Then if all goes well, bring in another GSC cinema and replace or merge with the police station or something, then anyone can do ear-squats in front of the public without having to secretly distribute mms clips around. Dont get me wrong, i love ss2, even more so that it has pasar malams selling lok-lok and takoyakis every monday. Better still its within walking distance from where i stay. I'm just suggesting this because it just crossed my mind that if i have trouble going to OU, why not bring another OU back to where home is. Seriously guys, have you all NEVER ever thought of this? Well, i swear i'll screw this idea when i get a car of my own or if some millionaire tycoon like tan sri lim kok wing stumbles across my blog and decides to fund the transformation. Whichever comes first.
Anyway, here's what i thought of today. Thought of as in thought about. Okay wtf. Here's what i thought about today.
1) The transformation of ss2.
2) Evening walk with mlia.
Yeap, only these two. Shocked? I cant even remember why i have a brain.
John just called to inform me that he's going to take a sultry, quiet walk around his park right now to search for frogs. Exactly, frogs, the little hoppy green pimpled ones. Pn padijah delegated the task of getting two frogs for our biology period tommorow to me and john not simply because we had balls to catch frogs but we bloody well volunteered. And now, we cant even find tim kais in pasar malam, let alone tiny miniature ones prancing in the park. With much luck i hope john stumbles across a sole holidaying frog better yet if the frog decides to bring his lover, couldn't be more perfect if mr. frog brought along his sex mates for an orgy. Good luck john, we can always go steal kois from mlia's pond if all else fails. Come to think of it, john and i managed to catch a frog on thursday. With the help of soon teck frantically yelling to the frog in the longkang to run away when john came out of the lab with plastic bags and bryan for picking the little fellow up and into the bag. Ah, these are the only times prefects and problematic students can actually collaborate in harmony. We then brought the frog back to block d to show off, and john kept claiming credit for "catching" the frog when all he did was "ahhh overturn the plastic! faster faster!". I didnt say anything because i didnt do nuts. John was having fun lashing the plastic bag around at girls who came to have a closer look and the poor frog was feeling so traumatic, it had a hard-on, shat, and tried suffocating itself in one of the corners of the bag. Cheng came along as the avid enviromentalist and started preaching about frogs and why they deserve to live and her frantic pleas of the release of mr. frog could be heard following everywhere it went. In the end, we had no choice but to oblige to cheng's lecture about frog's habit of playing dead and becoming stiff. She picked the frog and placed it on the lotus leaf in the block c pond. And it was then i felt the pity. Mr. frog was so scared and in so much shock, it just wouldn't budge. Not one bit. It just stoned on the lotus leaf even thought the leaf started sinking due to its weight, it just stayed there. Some of the 5C students even thought it was a clay figurine. I was thinking to myself : My god, frog play dead until so hardcore wan meh?
After school, sherri came up to me with bad news. Mr. frog never recovered from its trauma and has sunken into the depths of the pond. Laid to rest forever. First time i see something play dead until it really died. Play some more la. Stupid.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Thank god dad has prospects for getting me a new computer very soon then i dont have to see my beloved mouse and shrivelled up mouse pad any-bloody-more. Dont say i'm being a little too abusive to electronic devices that bear an eerie resemblance to real animals, if you were here using this mouse i use, you'd probably throw it so hard you'd bury it in your computer screen. Firstly, the colour's gone, that is not a racist slur. It keeps jamming, and the cursor is freaking reluctant to budge. And it automatically right-clicks when i need to do left-clicks. Stupid bitch.
Irritatingly, the head-pounding melody of "chai sen dao" and "gong xi ni gong xi fa ya fa ta chai" is back. Its like your aunty from the states who comes back anually and eats your share of dinner and let rips a series of award-winning farts on your sofa set. Thats the feeling. I'm not disrespecting the chinese new year culture whatsoever, come on, i'm a chinese! Its that i think it'll really really be much more comforting if they dont play those kinda songs on hitz.fm. Esepcially the punked-up rock band versions of those. You hear the acoustic drums go *gedung chiang gedung chiang* and the electric guitars buzzing. Really "buzzes" you up.
Anyway, the school drama team had our audition for the form 3s and 4s today and i must say, there is definately an abundance of talent. Not overly impressive but surely talented. The creativeness was definately flowing. Those who came to audition were given a list of scenarios to choose from. We had lots of hugging scenes prompting the audience to go "awww" everytime it happens. Gets boring after a few tries. There were alot of butts facing us judges, which we never really wanted to see anyway. And a few pointless but woohoo ones like alien invasion which involves someone getting chased by a swarm of yellow teletubbies a.k.a tinkie winkies a.k.a tiny dicks. One guy even tried to impersonated kurt cobain as kurt cocaine by laying out a tv, writing a few letters, seducively sealing letters with his tongue and then go "make love, not war" and pretended to shoot himself in the head. Anyone can kill himself so cooly with motivation words in front of a camera might just put attention-seeker iraqi insurgents who appear on al-jazeera news channels to a painful shame. Still, we chose more or less 15 hopefuls who would sit around and see us *ahem* seniors strut our stuff on stage to gain valuble experience. Good for you.
Brad then briefed us on the storyline on this year's drama. I dont mean to spill the beans here, so if i really am, brad, inform me and i'll remove this from here. Back to the story, its going to be about a wrecked/sorry/better off dead guy because he just merely survived a tragic accident, doctors and the life support system works day and night to keep this guy alive for his mom's sake but his best friend insists that mercy killing would be the answer to his misery. It may sound weird because in my humble opinion, usually the mom would be the one asking for the removal of the life-support system and the best friend would convince people that hope is still there as long as the brain doesnt stop functioning. However, brad said we can potray that the mother's a wreck in her own way and this poor guy's been living with his best friend forever and mom doesn't give a shit until dear son's in a coma. But a mom's always right, right? In the end, mom and friend argues and this bed-ridden guy can actually hear others but do nothing, typical coma condition, and he's faced a crossroad in his faith to live or die. The twist is, mom and friend aren't actually there but they're his own self-conscience fighting for his fate. Grand finale, the guy is pronounced dead by doctors according to life-support system/beeping system, but wakes up because he has chosen to live. Like a cat you know, 9 lives. Daymn.
I know its abit too complicating for some of you but with bradley as your producer, you get sad, tragic stories at first but box-office smash hits at the end of it all. I admire that. SMKTS drama team ready to rumble again. Wooohoo.
Form 5 has been rather lenient to me so far. Maybe because i have john and jolin and pohlynn by my side whenever i need an add math exercise to copy or physics/bio/chem PEKAs and experiments that i have missed out. John's my physics partner since, errr, today. Discipline wise, i think if i go on like that for the rest of the year, or maybe just a half year or so, i might well get my prefectorial board graduation certificate and a flashy A for "kelakuan". A teacher or few teachers have complained about me though, from what i've heard, i'm being too "happening", like not paying attention during maths lessons *stabs mr.amara and pn.liew* and practising to shuffle along the corridors. But i swear, i dont do it as much as i do like last year, now i spend my free time doing add maths, moral and experiment notes! Ha ha ha.. seriously. Although i still purposely spill water on jolin every now and then.
Here, a long post for a long week. I'm dying to go out for a movie! Mlia, come lets go! No liscence nevermind. Just drive! :)
Monday, January 16, 2006
Here are a few simple guidelines to making wonderful aphrodisiac cookies and earning praises from the birthday girl's parents. It always works.
Here goes,

If you ever decide to bake cookies, or alcoholic marble cakes, remember to smile to your partner and anything else that's politically correct. Regardless of the existence of the camera.
Create little soft sissy alphabets with miniature tablespoons and slowly caress em so they'd be happy and stay in place.
Apart from the occasional caressment, remember to whisper sweet nothings to your cookie mixtures and they'll stick to the pan like glue for your sake.
Strike a pose to show that baking cookies are as easy as eating em.
Always be satisfied with the end result. Heart EMELIA smiley.
Remember to do the wei yen pose for your vodka marble cake advertisement.
Finally, rush your ass home to finish off the photo frame that you've been struggling your ass off earlier on.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Yeap. I am officially blessed with 5 rangkas and 1 essay for BM, a whole lotta reports for bio, chem and physics, and of course, modern maths. I wouldve done it yesterday if my day wasn't as occupied as it was.
People! I maybe a hypocrite but please, never ever procrastinate. This world hasn't enough time to go around. I initially planned emelia's birthday card and her special cookies almost a month ago, but it was until Friday the 13th i started freaking out because my oven wasnt working and i haven't found any other ovens to use around my area. I assembled her photo frame first in the afternoon. And i must say i'm quite proud of myself, i never knew myself as an innovator. I know i collect junk and old materials but i've never thought of re-using until i realized i can actually use aircraft pillow cases as velvet skins for photo frames. Sadly i dont have a photo and the internet hasnt really created anything that could allow you to feel the photoframe. But i'm quite sure you might not wanna take your hands off it. :)
It was on friday night i started panicking when i couldnt find anywhere i could go to bake cookies. Until i met ben who has a wonderful microwave oven that does magic. Really, magic i tell you! Went over to ben's house at 9.30 in the morning to discuss recipes with his mom. I never knew ben's mom was like some proffessional pastry/cake expert. She was really kind to take us to Bake With Yen to go get some butter and chocolate chips. Baking cookies is an easy peasy job. You just beat the mixture, sprinkle hazelnuts and ALOT of choco chips and then you can distort it into whatever shape you could ever want. Me and ben made emelia cookies. He made the I s and L s while i made the E s/M s and ben's mum helped out with the A s. We made a huge smiley and saddy and also a heart-shaped cookie which looks rather cute but burnt. Then we felt in the mood for baking so we baked a marble cake with vodka. All in all, we made lots of E, M, L, I, A shaped cookies, a smiley, saddy, heart-shaped, and a tub of small standard sized ones, and a vodka marble cake. We couldnt have felt more accomplished.
I rushed home from ben's at 3 to complete my half done photo frame. Glued the stand and sides on and then the tedious job of glue-ing the little sequins one by one. Unfortunately i totally forgot about taking pictures until i finished wrapping it. Mum helped me with some of the glue-ing. Thanks mum.
Emelia's party was awesome. Charades was awesome although i didnt really guessed anything. My mind wasnt functioning well last night. We even had a chat session with mlia's parents. Cool people, they're so sarcastic and fun to be around (although i'm still afraid of mlia's daddy. >.<). Chilled out at her home till 3am. Jolin, chucs, melissa, yen and ben were hogging the karaoke system while me and mlia were in the kitchen yam-sui-ing and teng-kai-ing. We played undercover and conversed with our imaginary friend Charlie who's got an attitude problem. :) Haha. Both of us were like psychos talking into thin air, arguing about water and eating balls and satay. Jolin's bro was kind enough to send me, ben and chucs home at 3am although my mum wasn't really happy about it because she had to wake up and open the gate for me. Oh and before we left mlia's house, ben did what he was supposed to do. He's been whining about doing it for the past, i dunno, 3 weeks?! And he finally accomplished it last night. Congrats ben, you had the balls and you knocked it with style. Hahaha.
Emelia. The girl i knew ever since i started pn. molly's friday night science in form 3. I always loved friday night science, not only because it was happening, or because it just simply was a friday, or because i'll always sit behind with ben and xin yi and start gossiping about uncle chan and his reactions when he has sex, but also because emelia tan goes for friday night science too. I'm serious. Ben always said she looks cute like hikary puff and i couldnt agree with him more. Her brother, thomas was 2 years my senior in athletics and kembara. Emelia stays probably 100m away from me, and loves morning walks. She WAS a cheerleader and she likes softball and she has cool, weird friends like melissa and yen. Emelia has a HUGE house and a beautiful kitchen (can i have it please??!). Emelia has a dog, hazel and a bolster named eujinn and impersonates mr. bean magnificently. Emelia's defination of LAME is Love. Angel. Music. Emelia and she's proud to be lame and weird. Emelia's turning 17 tomorrow. Emelia's unbelievable (i meant this in a good way haha). Emelia i love youuuuuu! ;)
Thursday, January 12, 2006
1992 - 1997
Ringrose concert. Portugese dance. Me on the far right while Haw Yee on the far left. Little maiden on the far left's my partner. Sherilyn. Haha.
I've always tried my very best to copy dad's style. He's cool man!!
1997 - Standard 2, SJK (C) Puay Chai.
The petite girl beside the scary curly-haired lady is my first ever schoolboy crush. :p I even wrote a diary about her. Haha.
Connected comparisons.
Thats about all the flashback photos i have uploaded. Will try to find more when i'm ready to expose myself to dust searching for old albums again. :)
Monday, January 09, 2006
Its been 16 years. And although 16 years is still 5 years short of legal sex but really, 16 years can give you a mountain of pictures and an ocean of memories.
These are probably just one in a hundred photos i have but just to show you what i was then.... The pictures are arranged in order of the years.
Comparisons between NOW and THEN.

Wait for part 2!! Enjoy. :)
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Moodless like usual. I've not accomplished anything today. In fact, i've learnt to hate myself more.
Anyway, i went on a testimonial spree this afternoon because i thought so. And that i think is probably the most productive thing i've done so far this weekend.
And john called me with more bad news, that i wouldn't be able to take my undang test tomorrow because i didn't register early enough. Can this get any better?
Do you know the universal phrase "action speaks louder than words"? Thats exactly what i want now. Actions! Not words. Show me your appreciation for all i've done for you in actions! Because i dont trust words anymore. Its easy to say, but to appreciate something by showing actions is like shoving a bowling ball down your throat. The next time i do something for you, dont just say a small un-meaningful "thank you" and get on like nothing else happened. I'm fucking sick of that already. Call me unreasonable. Why the hell should i care of what you say?
Me: No.
Ben: Why?
Me: Because i haven't found one and as long as i've not seen it, i'll not believe in it.
Ben: What is a true friend to you?
Me: A true friend is someone who really understands me inside out, and knows what i want and what i need.
Ben: So what do you really want and need at this moment?
Me: A true friend.
I just threw my pencil box, slammed my mouse on the table, jabbed the keyboard with anger until i typed "kopi" instead of "k" to chucs. Everybody's going "oh, jinn in his PMS mood again. Like usual la, dont care la. He is like that wan ler. Talk to him also no point wan ler." But then again, even if you ask me whats wrong, i'm sure i wouldn't consider telling it to you. You might think i'm some idiot who's not satisfied with life or too envious of others. Say what you want. I'm a PMS bastard right? Thanks to people, i'm well known for my PMS moods. And i do have PMS, so go buy me some pads before i start getting my period. Then i'll be happy. Eujinn the PMS boy. Ha ha ha... so funny right the joke?! Go around exhibiting me as a PMS boy of course funny lah! Ha ha ha.
I know, i may not be as perfect, or as approachable, or as hyper and over-friendly like my other friends are. Thats why with my friends, sometimes i tend to get overlooked. Or even mis-looked. Thats when people get the wrong opinion about me. That i'm this sick sorry teen who is constantly depressed or desperately trying to commit suicide. Screw it anyway. I dont think any of you give a shit.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Today, i seriously considered overdosing myself with panadol. I bought panadol from watsons in ou just now to cure this headache i have and i think i just made it worse. Then i think back on what a day i had and then i thought to myself again, why the hell take one little tablet when i can just pop everything into my mouth and get done with.
I know, i rant stuff that i dont really explain. But i've said it before. To keep the dignity and integrity of others, i try my very very best not to mention any names. Thats why no one really knows who i'm talking about and why i'm saying stuff about these people because no one really sees the real them. The THEM i see oh too well.
Today's just been a really bad frustrating day. So frustrating i wish i could just scream in the cinema, or bang my head first into walls, or kick my shoes up in the air. I swore i was even ready to jump at the cabby if he'd pull off an attempt to drive us off to unknownland. Regardless of whether he's armed or not. I was just ready to do it. So frustrated i was actually willing to follow chucs and liying get off the cab at sea park apartments and just take a sultry, quiet, frustrating walk home in the dark, and reflect on what this motherfucking day had been. I pity my room for bearing with me swearing and kicking the walls just now. Sorry room, but my life isnt getting any better right now, i have the same little problems every single day and i just cant do anything about it but sit back and slowly wait and anticipate and hope for the downfall. I feel handicapped and stupid and my physical self isnt getting any healthier too. I get migraines easily, back problems and heartburns. And i dont know how long i can take all this shit already.
Its no use being nice anymore. People just dont seem to be thankful or care. I'm silently hurt by the people i'm too nice to.
Friday, January 06, 2006
The first week of school just passed. Guess the back to school craze hasn't subsided yet because my bus still refuses to stop me right at my doorstep. Things have been rather frustrating for me back in school. Firstly, i dont have a proper place to sit in class and so i've set up my own personal space right in the middle of the middle aisle between jo and pauline. We had a class confusion on the first day so the form 5s were rushing around trying to determine the position of classes. Thanks to the stupid assembly and that akwardly useless briefing from mr. allen, i was the last back at class and all the rather "juicy" sitting positions were all snapped up by kiasu(s) of 5 Bunga Raya. And my poor deuter bag, my oh so poor bag was left in block c because someone was too kind enough to bring it there during the mass confusion and forgot, or rather not give a shit to bring it back to the original classroom, so there i was, looking for my bag among the form 4 block. Then a few kindred spirits came around with my bag and then i was so happy i silently swore and cursed my fellow classmates.
Then came pn. chew, my physics teacher. I always thought she'd be the one i'd suck up to since my dad knows her but hell no. She literally refused to teach until i shifted my majestic table away from the middle aisle. And so i was, sitting at the back AGAIN for physics. Thank god its only for physics! Talk about kiasu-ness, john told me yesterday about people going to tuition to book seats for friends at 3 when it only starts at 5. I dont get it. I dont see the point in coming so freaking early to be selfish. But i mean, now, people are all so self-centered and kiasu. Its the new trend.
I just finished American History X on vcd and despite all the glitches and unbearable clarity, its a really good show. Just make sure you have your headphones up when you watch it while your parents are stalking your back. Its about this young suburban kid who lives with his brother, 2 sisters and mom. Dad was killed by the african-americans while doing his duty as a firefighter. So big brother decides to rebel against the black americans, he joins some skinhead pro-nazi gang. And the high-school kid decides to follow his brother's footsteps while big bro is doing time in prison for murdering 2 car-theft black americans. He joins the skinheads, has pro-nazi tattoo's all over his body and pastes posters idolising adolf hitler all over his room. He starts intimidating black american teens in school by puffing his fag all over their faces, and starts writing racists essays for assignments. His headmaster then puts him in a personal history class called american history x. In the end he gets shot while taking a piss in the toilet by the guy who got his face puffed at although he and his brother already decided to start a new life away from the madness of racism. Actually, no one wins, though you may think that one party is uncivilised, the other isnt much different anyway. You have to watch it to understand it! And guys, always say NO to racism. It breaks hearts, bonds, friendships, trust, understandings, unity and the wallets of those who spent this much for Thierry Henry's anti-racism bands. :)
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Since i'm rather incoherent explaining with my own words, here's the defination of something i might not have right now. According to www.dictionary.com .
Discipline dis·ci·pline
- Training expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior, especially training that produces moral or mental improvement.
- Controlled behavior resulting from disciplinary training; self-control.
- a) Control obtained by enforcing compliance or order.
b)A systematic method to obtain obedience: a military discipline.
c)A state of order based on submission to rules and authority: a teacher who demanded discipline in the classroom. - Punishment intended to correct or train.
- A set of rules or methods, as those regulating the practice of a church or monastic order.
- A branch of knowledge or teaching.
tr.v. dis·ci·plined, dis·ci·plin·ing, dis·ci·plines
- To train by instruction and practice, especially to teach self-control to.
- To teach to obey rules or accept authority.
- To punish in order to gain control or enforce obedience.
- To impose order on: needed to discipline their study habits.
Haiyoh. Had this taklimat on discipline and co-curricular activities today in the hall which took almost the whole school session. And thankfully the disciplinarian for the form 5s is Pn. Julie Chia. Not only does she share the same surname as i, but she's rather a lenient, high-pitched adviser, not an army commander. Which is good for working you way out of trouble with promising words and a sad PMS face. Yeay! :)
To kindly remind each and every form 5 out there, its only the bloody 2nd day of school dammit. The people in my class and the next are already studying like they want an american citizenship! Get a life lah people. We need mums and dads like jin sister's. "Dont have to start now, July only start lah" Way to go aunty!
By the way, check this song out, sung by I-Gemz, its a Buddhist group singing meaningful songs. And my 2 sisters are 2 of the few vocalists in it. Do bear in mind that every race or religion CAN enjoy this safely without worrying about being converted whatsoever. We buddhists dont do that and besides, we're too lazy to. I'll try posting up the link to other I-Gemz songs once this one is already worn out. If you like it though, you can get the album from me at 10 bucks apiece.
Just being a rather supportive brother. ;)
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
That's my new year's resolution. I dont know if its really possible but a new years resolution is a new years resolution. You strive to keep it intact. Another new year's resolution would be to focus more in school and complete my homework and DEFINATELY DEFINATELY NOT procrastinate. I've been doing it for the whole last year and it has killed part of me. Trust me. Procrastinating with other idiotic acts like drug dealing, buying pirated dvds and underaged sex sucks. It all just sucks.
School just started in what seemed like a supersonic 3 months of holidays. Back to those 6.20am wake up calls and white long sleeved uniforms with blazers and gosh, mr. allen. Our stunted midgety discipline teacher cum prefectorial board advisor who produces a small white ball of saliva as he speaks. But its not that small bouncy sphere on his lips that is irritating, basicly, its just him. He loves self praising, i mean in a obssesive kinda method, and he's just, well, your average idiot.
Based on another new year's resolution(gosh this sucks), i will be spending less of my form 5 life in front of the computer as of now. Drown myself in tuitions and bloody biology and kanina-ish chemistry. Urgh! Dad uses his cliched "this is your last lap", and he considers getting me a new computer. I just dont get somethings.
Oh well, even my posts are getting smaller nowadays. No holidays to beef up the posts lah. So tragic.