Yes, i've been rough. I've been rude. And i've blatantly swiped at anyone and everyone who has had me ticked off. What patience i have. As much as i've pointed out other's mistakes, i was oblivious to my own. Mum was right at the start, after much tinkering with divine powers, she's been able to warn me about my year that lies ahead. Well 5 months into it now, and so far still so subtle. But i'm keeping myself open for possibilities that i (out of a moment of furious frenzy), could potentially hurt one or many people beyond limits. It is already apparent how sharp and penetrating my words can be.
One thing i've come to hate myself for, is the fact that i'm always allowing myself to remain mediocre. It may be a slice of humble pie too hard to swallow. Me complaining about being insignificant is probably the brainchild of this mediocrity shit. Maybe its my way of life, i sit back and watch others soar. Leaving no room and no chance for myself to excel. I always thought being humble and keeping low would get me something somewhere in the patient future. But truth be told, the humble ones are those who die first.
Well, seems like it though.
Recently, i've found my solace. Somehow, in the pandemonium of things, i found that little solace. After half a year so far of a waning and gone relationship, study worries piling up, friends more prone to hurting and being hurt by friends, its the teenage crisis. I'm still thankful to have found that faraway someone or something or someplace to help me drown it all. And for now, its probably the only thing that i'll wake up in the morning and pray i'll have later in the day. That is, until me and my tendency to fuck things up fucks it up.
And next week sunday, will be roxx. Climbing competition at the Summit. Where apparently the best climbers around play and win cash and prizes. Leaving people like me with battered hope and red faced. But thats just an assumption. I've no intention whatsoever to be closely contending for any glory. My conscience is programmed to something a little more simple, climb and enjoy. When you know you're not that good its all you can think of actually.
So be there if you can! Bouldering competition starts at 1.30. And after it all there'll be a DYNO competition. Oh you'll know when you see. Thats where the fun starts. Haha.
Oh, if you see a black toyota vios with registration number WKD 1616, its Joe Jer. :)
Okay. Enough. Even dumbfucks like me gotta stop writing somewhere.
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