Okay. So roxx is slain and gone. There were a fair share of those megre and mean routes being set up. None failed to impreganate my already pregnant finger even more.
And now that roxx is slain and gone. There's no more better reasons for me to procrastinate on studies. Just almost a fortnight left before i push myself into overdrive with last-minute redemption. Sigh. Fucking mid terms.
Mid table finish. Hey, its about 2400 points from being in the top 5. Brad was having a day from hell. And i got my ass whooped my a 13 year old girl called kim by a mere 150 points. But i'm least bothered. I was only there to climb and have fun right(referring to a certain previous post)? Ish. Bloody kim.
Despite the effort. I managed home with a new white roxx t-shirt, a powerbar, a car sticker, a fucking red bull tissue box the size of my palm, and wowoweewow, a flashy blingy silver medal.
Then again, everyone has a medal. So yea.
I have a few good shots of myself in action. And i know brad's slightly pissed because marsh didn't snap anything about him. Except for one, which would compensate for all because it looks the best of the bunch.
Brad can take consolation for having the better looking ass.
Number 1 fan. Reminds me to tape up. Helps me tally the number of routes i've done. Drills motivational thoughts in my head but to no avail. Hah. Ahead and in front of the crowd when i'm on the bloody wall. And carries my chalkbag whenever i want it to be carried. Just like a caddy. :) Shit, my loss.
Ah. Nice pictures. Good marsh. :)
So, roxx whatever. I wet myself in college today. What a shame.
And now the face has a name. And a little outstretched hand.
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