Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I'm waiting to erupt.

How significant am i, in the lives of the people around me?
Why am i constantly overlooked?
How important is my existence?
Do you care about my well-being and how i feel?
How many of the people i know would show up for my funeral?

Save the words, your actions says it all.



xinwei said...

i know nothing about you, and you know nothing about me. Problem is, last year, i kept seeing you everywhere making me think you're a 'ghost' or something. But do not be mistaken, i don't wanna know you. I just accidentally found out that you're Eu Jinn. If you know who i am, DO NOT come looking for me. Thanx and if you have the time, come to my blog once in a while. Wakakakaka!!!!! I'm an alien girl pls think im weird....And don't be mad at me, k?

jinn said...

ahuh... O.o
you REALLY are weird..

xinwei said...

hehe thx a lot~ i appreciate ur compliment. arigato gozaimass!!

Anonymous said...

you know what jinn? I wish some people won't sound so desperate to know you or even meet you in school..... act like ur true self and capture someone elses heart.... THIS GUY IS TAKEN!! xD

xinwei said...

ummm.....although im only 14 but i have a boyfren dun worry~ ^^ i have 0% interest in mr chia eu jinn anyways. i think i better stop leaving stupid comments too. it's starting to feel like it's a chat area over her....:3

jinn said...

wow.. man.. thanks anonymous for sticking up for me.. haha.. and erm alien girl, lemme rephrase my earlier comment, you're amusingly weird :p
but thats a rather good thing, the world needs more people like you. haha!

xinwei said...

hey thanks!! well i better stop. maybe u shoul come pay a visit to my blog? not as gud as u but jes a bit crazy XD come if u hav the time. tmn SEA rawks!!

jinn said...

sure does.. haha.. :p

Evie said...

okay jinn.. it's weird that she might be stalking you! hahah...

i am not scaring you... but she's obviously from your skool and hey.. better be careful I tell you!

and oh ya.. I found a place to stay and it's at SS2...

Anonymous said...

Haha....I'll sure stick up for u jinn! Don't u know theres a bunch of MR.CEJ fans in school?!? SoOn to see----> CHIA EU JINN fan club. xD

Evie said...

oh dead.. oh no!

avrril leow said...

jinn, i know who! lol! lalalalalalala!!! I know,and you don't!

jinn said...

aiyo.. right okay.. haha.. eh viez.. tinggal mana?

xinwei said...

someone noe hu m i?? serious ar? or wat? hehe jes stopping by.....