Thursday, September 07, 2006

Exactly, why?

Suddenly i'm feeling the bitterness of losing steve irwin. I know, knock myself in the head for feeling this much for the loss of someone i ignore on tv but i was flipping through the nature channels on astro today and i came across The Crocodile Hunter. Apparently they now have tributes on animal planet and they're putting a crocodile hunter marathon on air with little subtitles dragging across your screen paying tribute to mr. crikey.

Then it dawned on me. As i gradually get engrossed with the slang, the enthusiasm, the blonde frisky hair and the constant repetition of "australian bush". This steve irwin guy who got poked in the heart by a marine animal we cook curry with, he's quite an interesting bloke. No, i totally disagree that he's just an ordinary bloke because if ordinary blokes are like that in australia, they'd all get their asses probed by aliens. Anyway, what he deserves is a state funeral to honour his efforts to wildlife conservation, and of course, putting ozzieland on the world map with every kid in every corner belching out a true blue ozzie "crikey".

We'll all miss him thats to no avail. At least i am. But his wife, she's just another boring ol american yankee who has seemingly picked up a little bit of the ozzie way to slur stuff on camera. But hell no, we've seen enough of that so please get her off the tellies.

With the croc hunter gone up above now, we may think that crocs aren't anymore that interesting. But wait, before you go back to hating crocodiles, there's another croc that's taking the world by storm and you dont need a hunter or be hunted for it. Crocs sandals! You know when bradley and i first spotted a handful of people wearing crocs in camp 5 i was like "that's the ugliest shit i've seen people wear on their feet". Maybe because at that time they were all wearing yellow ones, but right now, like the case of steve irwin, i think to myself and say hey, looks smashing cool, i want a pair.

And it seems like if you get a job in camp 5, you'll get a mud brown for free, but the fact is, they have an astounding array of colours and i dont know why everyone only wants boooorrriiinnnggg colours. You give me cash and i'll be the first to wear pink crocs in my ah pek shorts and a white singlet. Deal? Mmmm. I like.

Tomorrow we got english! And it is no surprise to me having difficulties expressing myself on paper. I hate hate writing essays. Especially those where you have to write letters to your friends telling them what a pussy you are back home. Those are just crap lah. I'm just looking forward to the whole stress free feeling about it. Like they say, just let it flow. So tomorrow i'm gonna tilt my head forward, nudge my forehead with a little nutcracker and let the juices flow. Write whatever is at the top of my head with the intensity as red as my blood on my paper. Wait, it is blood on my paper. Haha. Lame! See what i mean. I'm so helpless when i'm just sitting there, gazing at the invigilators, playing pretend i'm on beacho paradiso sipping on ice cold spritzer with my hands behind my head leaning back. Then i just sit there until one word by one word starts gallavanting into my mind and slides down to my pen. The cruel thing is that everything interesting is never punctual, when you hand the paper in then your mind starts spoonfeeding you with inspiration to write when its all too late. "I should've wrote that in!"

Tomorrow is just the end of a relatively tame opening week of the exams. Next week's gonna be fajitas in hot tabasco sauce, spring chicken in extra peri-peri. Its not going to be easy, but when its in your mouth, just swallow it.

You spit, your mummy whack chatt you.

Today's physics was pretty fucked up. They ask for ways to modify and pimp and boon siew honda motorcycle into bob teutul american chopper whilst making it as safe for the rider as possible.
- Wheels supersize in diameter for stability.
- Sharp frontside for aerodynamic propeties.
- Easy-to-fold material for motorcycle body to delay impulse force.
And i was wasting about 10 minutes contemplating about air-bags. Then i thought to myself to not be silly because motorcycles cant afford an air-bag, no dashboard, no steering wheel. Sounds logical right?

Until i came home, opened my homepage and.




Shuwen said...

You have difficulty expressing yourself on paper? Wtf? Don't bluff la! Where gottt!? I reckon that writing essays and blogging's almost the same, no?

jinn said...
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jinn said...

its very very different!!
*comment removed because "no" was too long it overshot the border*