Saturday, June 28, 2008

Melbourne shuffling

Fucking cold.

Hello there people back home. It is I, having a headache and i cant feel my toes. And i have to eat to keep myself warm. Its colder than you can imagine here in Melbourne because i'm sure you're sweating under your pyjamas now. Heh.

This place is a little more awesome than i expected. Unlike Singapore, I see homeless unshaven people everywhere. Even better that they're smelly and they have syringes clenched tightly in their fists as they gallavant through the streets. Not only that, i just ran into a bunch of obnoxious black kids making hell of a ruckus in the tram. Oh and you can carry a rucksack with wires potruding out. It doesn't really matter here.

Despite all that shit, I see myself here. Or at the least i think i do. The asians are crawling and infesting this area. The caucasians are merely just tourists. Maybe its not to such an extent but the scenario is pretty much like that. It helps tremendously with the culture shock that i was anticipating.

Oh the weather's been great so far. But i think i'll be damning it very very soon.

The girlfriend and i and a whole 6 others will be driving down to Mornington tomorrow. Its a 3 day spa trip. Then proceed to Phillips island apparently to see the famous pint sized penguins. And word is that the temperature there is probably a few degrees lower than it is now. I could be typing this with 3 layers on now if i were on the balcony. Which means I'd probably need to go about in a sleeping bag there.

And we sleep with a heater here. Heaters everywhere. In the bathroom too. Just huge halogen lights emitting feasible amount of heat.

Other than that, i've been surviving on sushi rolls, and waffles a.nd plenty, plenty of chocolates. Chocolate mamak, because the only mamaks here are chocolate cafes. Which explains my cough and sore throat.

Ok. My fingers are stiffening soon. Have fun back home.


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