Its really hard to find good cheap food here by the way. Rephrase that, you cant find good cheap food here. I went to shisha last night and just to have 2 shishas, a glass of juice, a can of pepsi and a morroccan tea set would set you back at 145 dhm, equivalent to RM 145. Including a gratituity fee of 16% or 20 dhm, in other words, service tax. Really, your conventional fries from kfc would cost you at least 20 dhm, just the fries alone. Dim sum in Dubai was almost 300 dhm and i could go on and on about this food price thing.
I visited the grand mosque the other day. A monolith of a structure sitting in between a web of highways. Wholly made of white marble, it holds 3 world records for the biggest dome, largest chandelier, and largest carpet. For me, i've never been too fond about Islamic architecture, so i couldn't really catch the beauty concept of its interior, the exterior is captivating, but the flowery motives on the walls inside, and not to mention the world's largest chandelier looks like the world's largest infected penis. Coated in gold and weighs 9 tons. One hell of a dick.
Oh i just remembered, back to the food topic, lunch yesterday at the noodle house cost 175 dhm for 2 small bowls of tom yum and curry laksa no larger than a little plastic rice bowl, and a large (hardly large) laksa.