Thursday, November 06, 2008

Havin a laugh yea?

Having just read, I feel like it is also my duty as a patriotic and proud Malaysian to play my part and spread this website in my capabilities.

This is just the right material that solidifies my impression of an open-minded, technologically advanced and fast-growing Malaysia that many of us were born and live in. And that we're absolutely right when we say we're underestimated in the eyes of foreigners. Oh, how we complain why we're still 3rd-world when we know truthfully that we're far from that.

In addition to that, now we, the minorities, are all so very excited and overcomed with joy at the recent comments of our dear prime minister who has convincingly announced that anyone of us can be a prime minister! Yay!

I'm estatic! No really, I am.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haaaaaaaaaaaappy birthday! you're so old now. haa haa haa. okay nvm dont comment about that SOOO anyway i can't sms or wtv cause you're in abu dhabi -_- what's the number to contact you uh.. 012-shisha-osama-bomb . hahah kidding. have a greeeeat one!
