Wednesday, August 15, 2007

You sound better when you shut up

I have no idea about your take on consideration. But it has subsequently brought me to a boil. While you're snuggling comfortably into your comforters and indulging away in bed linen while in united embrace with your pillows, and i'm here, right where i am, running to and fro just to get a clip from a thousand others moving and working. Shunning away my screaming, heavy and awfully tired eyelids right up till where your alarm clock starts preparing itself for your stubby fingers to jam away at the snooze button. For what?

To save your motherfucking asses. From possible embarressment i would dare say. While you and your soddy bunch gallantly tread and work your way through the crawlspace under tables. Oblivious to everything else.

I think to the very least. A meagre unsincere thank you to the both of us would've been more than could be asked for.

But knowing you and the rest. Enough is said.


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